Saturday 4 May 14:00 - 18:00

Lake Caldaro Triathlon 35th Int. Triathlon Lake Caldaro


Beginning: 14:00

End: 18:00

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San Giuseppe al Lago, starting and finish line at the lake
Triathlon Caldaro/Kaltern,
+39 3492691724,
More information about:
Lake Caldaro Triathlon


The 35th annual International Triathlon at Lake Kaltern is about to take place. As always, a large number of both national and international top athletes will be meeting this spring at our lake known for its beauty and mild climate, which provides for ideal competition conditions. The race will be held at Olympic distances: 1.5 km - 40 km - 10 km.

Organized and judged by: Kaltern Sport Association - Triathlon Section

During the Triathlon at lake Kaltern, the following roads will be closed for traffic between 2 pm and 4 pm: via Campi al lago/Klughammer, via Kuchlweg, the section between the Kuchlweg and the cooperative Egma and the Wine Road from Termeno/Tramin to Kaltern.

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